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If you’ve ever considered moving to the USVI, or if you know someone who wants to, this book is for you. Desiring Paradise is a true story about two New Englanders who followed their dream. Experience the island from a different perspective, as newcomers trying to survive their first year in Paradise. It’s guaranteed to raise your eyebrows.

Desiring Paradise… a true story of succumbing to the dream—is an insider’s view of moving to the U.S. Virgin Islands, specifically St. John. From the cement mixers that pass as lawn ornaments to the eight-foot-high salad fork in the middle of nowhere,. You’ll laugh at the craziness that is St. John while you discover what makes it so special!

The author and her husband are living the dream on St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. When not working, they can occasionally be found floating away their free time on one of St. John’s many beaches. 253 Pages. Soft cover.

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